
Using Rich Resources in Bible Study

The Biblearc Treasury course will teach students how to rightly use commentaries and other resources in both their personal Bible study and in preparing a message to teach or preach.
(Not yet live)(Self-enrollment disabled)
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Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment.
Proverbs 18:1

There are two ditches to avoid when studying the Bible: you can rely too much on commentaries and the thoughts of others instead of carefully and prayerfully thinking through a passage yourself, or you can follow an individualistic, “Bible-only” methodology and avoid the writings of others. The problem with the first ditch is too much reliance on second-hand information, while the problem with the second is too much reliance on your own abilities.
The Biblearc Treasury course will help students avoid both ditches. It will teach students how to rightly use commentaries and other resources in both their personal Bible study and in preparing a message to teach or preach.

An online, interactive course

Our core courses, called “Path Courses,” are designed to lead you deeper in your study of Scripture through academic rigor and a heart of worship. We have laid out fifteen different courses along the entire spectrum of Bible study training so that there might be something for everyone—both new believers and veteran pastors, stay-at-home moms and missionaries. These courses are conveniently online and include personal coaching, feedback on assignments, big rewards, and more. All of this to help you persevere to the end and truly learn to study the scriptures in greater depth. Our classroom also covers the globe, giving you the opportunity to participate in a truly unique form of fellowship. Finally, path courses are built to equip you to use Biblearc’s extensive Bible study toolbox so you can go on to discover new biblical glories for yourself.


None. (But we highly recommend that you have experience in at least one Bible study method like Arcing, Bracketing, Paraphrase, or Phrasing.)


This course is composed of ten lessons. Each lesson contains interactive questions throughout and ends with an assignment. A single lesson will take the average student three to five hours to complete. Students are invited to progress at their own pace, but we encourage you to make a plan for steady progress and to stick to that plan. Your coach will inquire as to your intended pace shortly after you begin and help keep you accountable to stay on schedule.


This is a great resource for helping Christians understand their primary Source, the Bible—God's Word. It shows the importance of avoiding two huge pitfalls of interpretation, like over-subjectivism (“How do I understand the Text?”) or over-reliance on the experts (“How do they understand the Text?”). It is filled with common sense and astute wisdom which will help Christians understand the Word and grow deeper in their faith. I highly recommend this work!
-Dr. Stephen Dempster, author of Dominion and Dynasty
A huge part of successful Bible study is learning how to slow down and observe truth that has always been in the biblical text but which you haven’t seen before because you lacked the lenses. Most of these lenses are simple questions (Who? When? Why?) and labels (“context,” “theme,” “phrase”) and study tools (commentaries, study Bibles, Bible software—and Arcing). The Biblearc Treasury course is an engaging, efficient, practical introduction to the lenses you’ve been wanting, the ones that help you better understand what God has revealed to the world through his word.
-Dr. Mark Ward, editor of Bible Study Magazine
The Biblearc's Treasury course is a great resource. It has every virtue one seeks in an introduction to Bible study. It is faithful, accurate, clear, well-written, wise, and reliable. This resource is easy to read and it rests on deep knowledge, so that leaders can confidently put [it] into the hands of their people.
-Dr. Dan Doriani, author of Putting the Truth to Work

A Note on Scripture Citations

When the course quotes from Scripture, it is quoting from the ESV unless otherwise noted. For more information on the ESV, visit


If you are accessing this course via a church or ministry website and not directly at, then this course is restricted to members or regular attenders of the local church or organization associated with this site. If you are interested in taking this course outside of this capacity, you may enroll through Biblearc.
Biblearc owns all permissions of this course. However, understand that you may be viewing a modified version, personalized for your church or organization. You can find the original course here.

This course is currently available in English only.

Interested in helping us develop this courses in other languages? Let us know.